20 Woodward Street

Newton Highlands, MA 02461

617 630 1999

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Private residence, Lexington, MA

Design Challenge:

Design a high-end house utilizing modular construction worthy of a Lexington address.


Satisfy the developer with the use of maximum sized boxes, each 60 feet long.

Incorporate exterior design forms that transcend the limitation of boxes by incorporating vertical elements that mask the “prefab” genre.


Vertical window form at the stair, carries through the roof line
Chimney form that weaves through the façade
Recessed entry porch with its roof integrated with the window above
Use of a horizontal belt course to accentuate these vertical forms

As much existing landscape material as possible remains to allow this retro design to feel as an established part of the neighborhood and transcend this current prefab era.

On the interior, an open, but well organized plan also defies its’ modularity. The larger than expected kitchen and baths, all state of the art and very understated, make this home exemplary.

Landscape Architect: Roger Kallstrom

Photography: Architects 2

© 2000-Present Architects 2